MYRIAD allows you to share and view all your project files safely and securely, both online and on t
MYRIAD allows you to share and view all your project files safely and securely, both online and on the desktop.
It is used in engineering, design, manufacturing and construction environments to enable team members to view and markup all project files, including 3D models, 2D CAD drawings, graphic files, and documents, without requiring access to the native software. New publishing option allows you to dynamically publish document and 2D CAD views and 3D models to interactive HTML Web pages. Several publishing methods are available, varying the output complexity and interactivity, to offer specific benefits for different needs. Publish a 3D CAD model to ModelPress. Publish a 3D CAD model view sets as interactive image. Publish 3D CAD view sets to HTML. Publish 3D CAD view sets for markup with IGC's Brava. Publish 3D and 2D Changemarks to HTML. Version 7.0 adds Inventor 9, AutoCAD 2005, SolidWorks 2005 and Solid Edge 16 file formats.